Thursday, March 10, 2011
Wherein I am ahead of the curve (yet again)
I would just like to let you know that I've been on top of this "trend" since, oh, about mid-2003. Not that it make me that much more awesome, you know (although it does).
I wonder what would happen if you just used a tea strainer. I think I'll try it, just so I know what all these fancy methods are doing for me. | commentedBlogger 🕸️ on Friday, March 11, 2011

I think you pretty much have to use filter paper. There are always fine particles (coffee dust really) that get through a mesh strainer, which give the coffee a dull, muddy texture. I gave up using one of those gold-tone metal mesh filters pretty quickly for that reason. | commentedBlogger Zou Ling-Nan on Friday, March 11, 2011

I tried it. It was interesting, it was like it was missing one big flavor in the middle that is just the flavor that makes coffee taste like coffee, like that note was replaced with water. Yuck. Back to aeropress in the future. | commentedBlogger 🕸️ on Friday, March 11, 2011

Never tried aeropress before, so can't compare. I use 3 Tbsps coffee (medium ground) per 6 oz (1 medium-sized mug's worth) of water (off boil). It gives me a slightly syrupy cup with bright winey flavor (with good beans, of course). I get Intelligentsia from Diesel Cafe, partially for nostalgic reasons, since it's a Chicago outfit. | commentedBlogger Zou Ling-Nan on Friday, March 11, 2011

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